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Permanent Residency by Marriage to a Salvadoran Citizen

Permanent Residency by Marriage to a Salvadoran Citizens, Residence in El Salvador.

This immigration status is granted to foreigners married to Salvadoran citizens prior to the fulfillment of the following requirements:


  1. Certification of Birth Certificate.  If the person is a citizen by naturalization, submit the original of the registration issued by the legal authority of the country which had granted the naturalization or by its Embassy if it is not registered in his/her immigration documents.
  2. Certification of original marriage certificate, registered in the respective City Hall.  If the marriage was celebrated outside the Salvadoran territory, it should be registered in El Salvador.
  3. Photocopy of all the used pages of a valid passport and to submit the original passport to be compared.
  4. Photocopy of the Temporary Residence carnet.
  5. Photocopy of the document by which the temporary residence was issued.
  6. If there is no legal residence in El Salvador, an original of a written evidence of Police Records from the country of origin or where you have lived during the last two years previous to arriving in el Salvador.  It should be duly authenticated by the Salvadoran Consulate or by Apostille.  In case it does not show an expiration date, it should be valid for three months since the date it was issued.
  7. Current Solvency from the Civil National Police of El Salvador.
  8. Health record issued by a Salvadoran physician duly authorized by the Board of  Vigilance of the Medical Profession which will ascertain that he/she does not have any infectious and contagious illness.
  9. Certification of the birth certificate (s)  of children if it applies.
  10. If not working or if self supports his/her maintenance (by pension, income, etc.), must submit a Sworn Declaration (Affidavit of Support) by the person who will provide the economic support in the country.
  11. Photocopy of the DUI of the Salvadoran spouse.
  12. Confirmation of the request for Definite Residency by the Salvadoran spouse.
  13. If in possession of the work permit and current temporary residency before the submission of this request and is actually working, must submit a record of the present job or a certified photocopy of the Work Contract or its project.

Our honoraries are USD 850.00 plus the established official fees required by the Authorities of the General Office in charge of foreigners.